Digital Management

In cooperation with Data Control, we offer a maintenance and management plan for sports and furnishing materials. Via the Demonstrable Management System (ABS), all planned maintenance actions, documents (such as certificates), visual inspections and repairs can be kept up-to-date. This makes us the first in the Netherlands to make it possible to manage sports and furnishings for (outdoor) sports facilities via a digital management system.


Digital management of sports equipment

Sports facilities are full of sports equipment. The sports park manager has the responsibility to inspect them periodically for quality and safety. With the digital sports material management system, all details of sports materials can be managed. The purpose of this management system is to realise safe and accessible sports facilities and to guarantee the quality of the sports materials. We are the first in the Netherlands to make it possible to manage sports and equipment for (outdoor) sports facilities through a digital management system. In this way, all available data is stored in one system, keeping everyone informed of the latest updates.

Inspections are registered in our own digital management system (ABS-Web). The system provides for a clear registration of inspections, repairs and any accidents and keeps a digital logbook. To carry out inspections, we use the ABS inspection app. This app is linked to ABS-Web so inspections (and maintenance rounds) are also registered directly in this database.

Safety, policy and management

Many sports and equipment last for years and during these years many things can happen that influence the safety and quality of the sports equipment. Think for example of fire or storm damage, vandalism or simply intensive use of the materials. In order to continue to monitor the conditions of the sports equipment, periodic inspections are of great importance. With digital management, details can be noted and photos can be taken. With the help of all data, sports park managers, policy officers, inspectors or other parties involved can make appropriate policies and better decisions.

Measuring sports equipment

Using high-quality GPS receivers, we can measure playground equipment, safety surfaces and other objects with an accuracy of 10-50 cm. The measurement data can be recorded on ABSweb, where the data are made transparent by means of Google Maps. This provides a clear overview of where the playgrounds are located in the municipality.

Using this method, it is possible to show other information about playgrounds and equipment in addition to location data. On the basis of these measurements, the objects can be digitally added to the Large-scale Base Map of the Netherlands (GBKN) or the Large-scale Topography Key Register (BGT), where the location of all physical objects such as buildings, roads, water, railway lines, but also playground equipment and other objects is registered in an unambiguous manner.

The first digital management system for sports equipment!

Via the Demonstrable Management System (ABS), all planned maintenance actions, documents (such as certificates), visual inspections and repairs can be kept up-to-date. This makes us the first in the Netherlands to make it possible to manage sports and furnishing materials for (outdoor) sports facilities via a digital management system. We also take advantage of this to increase safety on the sports facilities.